Grey Cup 111 Motion Graphics

For the 111th Grey Cup, I was commissioned to build out the motion graphics for in-stadium screens. I worked with Senior Manager of Grey Cup & Events, Courtney Clace, and her team to create motion graphics for all CFL Playoff games and the 111th Grey Cup. I built out animations for the main board and sideline LEDs for five different stadiums.
One of my main concepts was to make the host stadium, BC Place, part of the main matchup screen. I animated the stadium's logo to rise up and split the two competing teams. I also created custom cards for each CFL team, featuring footage of their corresponding city and title animations that highlighted the teams’ themes. For example, the Blue Bombers' card featured an old prop plane, while Toronto’s showcased a ship at sea.
A huge thank you to Courtney Clace and Lauren Farnell for believing in me and allowing me to create artwork for the CFL.
Credit to 3D Artist Chris Dunwald for modeling the Grey Cup.
Programs: After Effects + C4D + Redshift
A list showcasing all of the AE compositions used in the project.
Grey Cup 111 Match Up Sketch Idea
List of all the team themes that were researched.