Calgary Flames 2021-22 Opening Video

This opening video was five years in the making. In 2016, I created a poster featuring the iconic Calgary Flames’ mask that hangs on the North side of the building. Ever since then I wanted to incorporate it into a bigger production.
During the COVID-19 lockdown I set myself a goal of learning Cinema 4D, Redshift and X-Particles. This was in theory my “final assignment”.
I started working on the concept in April of 2020 and started production on it in August 2021. The mask was bought online and I painted it to resemble the retro Flames mask. I then used voronoi fracture to break apart the mask and xpExplosiaFX to simulate the fire in C4D.
The highlights showcase individual Flames players and the skills they possess. A quick hold frame was added to highlight the climax of the clip.
During our Media Day we worked ProFX to have real fire effects on set. Videographer Mitch Nybo captured some amazing visuals and Pam Petrini worked in the amazing SFX. The background and lights were supplied by EA Systems. A big thank you to Geordie Macleod, Steve Edgar, Carlo Petrini and Peter Stewart for the support and guidance.
Overall I’m very happy with this project and look forward to implementing more Cinema 4D into my videos.
Music: Burn by 2wei
Programs: After Effects + Premiere Pro + C4D + Redshift + X-Particles