2016 Strathmore Stampede

For the fifth consecutive year I have the pleasure of designing the Strathmore Stampede's poster. The 2016 poster had a very unique twist, as I tag teamed the project with my mother Shauna Kenworthy.
Programs: Illustrator + Lightroom Classic + Photoshop
The idea for this year's poster was to capture a similar silhouetted figure to last year's poster, but feature a woman instead of a man. Earlier this year I mentioned to the staff that I thought it would be cool to feature a cowgirl and her horse on a future poster. The General Manager, Herb McLane, loved the idea and approved the concept for this year's poster.
Figuring out who should be featured on the poster was definitely the hardest part. The model had to be a part of the Strathmore community, own a horse, have access to professional riding gear and, most importantly, be able to confidently saddle up and ride. After contemplating who would be best as the model Strathmore Ag's Event Coordinator Meagan Dennett suggested Kelin Doiron, a long-time resident of Wheatland County and a legit cowgirl to boot. Another big plus was that I had attended grade school with Kelin growing up so we were familiar with each other.
For the shoot location we needed access to a wide open uninterrupted space. I decided that some of my family's land in Rockyford would work best. The land is unoccupied and featured a number of great shoot locations.
A total of seven people took part in the shoot. Far left: Kelin's beautiful horse Emma (Grannies Smokin Gun), bottom left: photographer Shauna Kenworthy, middle left: the model Kelin Doiron, top middle left: horse specialist Kelin's mother Judy Doiron, bottom middle right: document photograher Taylor Hillier, middle right: photographer and assistant Ana Karinna, far right: myself Bret Kenworthy.
Without the help from the amazing people above this shoot could not have happened! A big shout out to all of them!
Emma (Grannies Smokin Gun) was on her best behaviour. She was the perfect model and worked with us without any problems.
The location chosen worked out perfectly. We showed up around 4pm and took photos until about 8pm. A beautiful breeze accompanied us and helped emphasize the models hair blowing in the wind.
The giant shades where used to reflect light to grab Emma's attention. It was key to have her ears perked up and alert.
Everyone took turns taking photos and playing roll of the assistant. Everyone that attended the shoot took at least one stunning photo that could have easily been on this year's poster.
Even though the silhouette concept was pitched, it did not stop us from trying different ideas. There was some amazing photos taken that were not silhouettes and could have been used. We decided to keep the silhouette concept so the model in the poster could be anonymous.

Above are some of the raw photos that were taken with the silhouette. I believe each one could have been used.

In a neat twist of fate, the two final posters I submitted were a from 2 photos; one taken by my mom and one by me. The staff at the Strathmore Stampede picked the epic shot my mom took.
At the end of the gig we were given a chance to make friends with Emma. What an amazing horse and Kelin is an amazing equestrian! What a great team!

On July 29th the poster was unveiled at the Strathmore Stampede's annual Volunteer Banquet. The framed poster auctioned off for $2000.00. I am excited that everyone loves the poster!
Overall it was an awesome experience. I am extremely pleased with how the poster turned out and will never forget the experience of collaborating with my mother.