Club Flames Day Moments

During the Calgary Flames Family Day game I continued on the tradition of working with a Junior Photographer. The above video features Take taking photos at the dome. Below you will see a write up for the first time we ran this promotion.
On February 17th 2020 I took my niece Maddy around the dome and captured C of Red Moments with her. The video ran during the 3rd period of the game and was a part of our Club Kids Night. A select few kids helped out and took roles of different workers around the Saddledome.
Below you will also see a loop that was created using kids’ drawings of Flames players. The drawings were also used for headshots and in videos for social media. I came up with the oringal idea for this in 2017 and worked with Chris Dunwald to bring it to life over the years.
Programs: After Effects + Lightroom Classic + Photoshop
Gear: Canon EOS R + Canon EF 24-70mm f/4L