This is bittersweet. I have finished the challenge of 365 pictures in 365 days.
I am glad it’s all done, but I will miss the challenge of the daily routine. At times, I was ready to quit and felt the quality of the content was dropping. Now, in retrospect, I feel everything fits but there are a few photos that disappoint me. Not the shot itself, but the edits.
Originally, I was going to try and take a photo a day but I quickly decided just to make it a post a day. I am glad I made this choice, as it really let me have some freedom in regards to my mood and thought process. I spent lots of time digging up old photos that I would never have thought to edit. If I had taken a photo a day, I feel I would have become bored or discouraged and failed the challenge.
The captions on the pictures are lyrics from songs that inspire me, or came to mind while editing the photo. Some of them were picked because it was the song I was listening to at the time, and some had been suggested by friends and family.
I am thankful the project is finally done, but I am proud of the accomplishment and look forward to future challenges like this.
Programs: Photoshop + Lightroom Classic
Gear: 5D Mark IV + iPhone 7 Plus + Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II + Canon EF 14mm f/2.8L II + Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L + Canon EF 40mm f/2.8
I must edit & publish one photo a day for the next year.
The pictures can be from the past but I had to have taken the photo.