Stamps' Labour Day Timelapse

For the Stampeders' annual Labour Day game I was tasked with creating a time-lapse of the festivities. The video captures the pre-game, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter and halftime. Unfortunately the location we used did not have a power source for the GoPro, making it hard for the camera to last the full game.
Programs: After Effects + Premiere Pro
Gear: GoPro
Labour Day Classic Time LapseCheck out the fans filling the stands at McMahon for the Labour Day Classic. You brought the noise in our house and we want to hear you cheer just as loud at the rematch in Edmonton tomorrow!
Posted by Calgary Stampeders on Friday, September 11, 2015
In post I created a 1080p video that is cropped into a 4000px x 3000px composition. The crop allowed me to do a Ken Burns effect by slowly panning out from the centre of the video. I also added some camera movement in After Effects to help give the video some depth.
The video was shared on the Calgary Stampeders Facebook and Instagram accounts. To date the video has racked up 5k in likes and 42 shares via Facebook and 400-ish likes on Instagram!
A big shoutout to Corey Myke for helping with the project! His location scouting and direction was a huge help!