ConocoPhillips Sustainable Development

ConocoPhillips hired us to created a video to support their efforts in Sustainable Development. The project is based around a drawing hand. We filmed Wes Pohl’s hand doing a number of different actions and built them into the aviations. The project lasted for about six months and is still being used today.
Programs: After Effects + Illustrator + Photoshop + Premiere Pro
Below are some of my favourite scenes from the video
Our team spent days thinking of the most clever metaphors.
Most of the animations where "puzzling" to build.
"This One Goes To 11"
This scene was inspired by the mouse trap board game.
The following scenes did not make it to the public cut video.
We made sure the hand was doing much more then just drawing.
My favourite scene. First time I ever used the parallax effect.
Behind the Scenes
This was the setup for capturing the hand. Green screening the hand worked great!
Recording some scratch sound effects.
Audio works by Six Degrees
Conocophillips brilliantly created CPSD gum packs for their employees. Great way to get the conversation started!