A Christmas Miracle

Christmas has come and gone this year and that meant the Calgary Flames unveiled their 2015 Ugly Christmas sweaters. With all the love last year’s sweaters received it was essential that this year's, designs were even more outrageously ugly.
Last year, we created a promotional video for the sweaters that proved to be a big hit with the fans. The video involved a number of the Calgary Flames players goofing around with the sweaters, providing Christmas cheer to the viewers. This year, the same goal was in mind when producers Mitch Nybo and Kristin Hallett wrote the script for "The Calgary Flames Holiday Spectacular". I was asked to tag along for the shoot and capture behind the scenes photos. You can watch the full video here and the blooper reel here.
Bellow you will find a gallery featuring the best photos from the day.
Programs: Lightroom Classic
Gear: Canon 5D III + Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II
Over the course of the Holidays, the video and photos made their way through the waves of social media. The Calgary Herald used one of the photos in an Xmas themed article; Calgary Flames players Brandon Bollig and Sam Bennett Instagramed a few of the photos; some of the fans turned the images into memes; Sports Centre made a Instagram collage; they appeared on TSN’s blog BarDown; Global News interviewed the players about the video; it made Sports Illustrated’s blog and The Calgary Flames showcased the images in a number of social media and marketing posts.